My favorite model of the moment has to be Daphne Groeneveld. She isn't your typical blond and has "the pout" completely mastered. Sources: & Tumblr
Not only am I inspired to capture fashion in the moment, but I am also intrigued by movement. Film is something I definitely plan to dive into once my photography career has taken off. It is just another form of art that I can't wait to learn. Enjoy these short films and I hope they inspire you like they did me!
I am dying over the shoes that are available at H&M right now. I have been especially keeping my eye on the last pair shown. The boots would go perfect with all the sleek and simple outfits I have in my mind. H&M really needs to make online shopping available now!
Today is just one of those days where I feel completely uninspired. I've scrolled endlessly through blogs as well as tumblr and nothing seems to be catching my eye... I finally remembered about Nasty Gal's new lookbook for November. I think the model makes these shots (whoever she is) and they have have such a tropical feel that contrasts winter.
Kiersti: Urban Outfitters sweater, Luna Boutique tights, purse, and head-piece, hand-made tooth ring. Lianne: Jacket from Luna Boutique, Roxy scarf, Urban Outfitters jeans.
Finally made our trip to the Annenberg Space of Photography. The whole display was truly inspirational and eye-opening. It definitely sparked some new ideas for future photo shoots.
I forgot my camera so thankfully my iPhone is an awesome substitute! My blog is starting to become a catalog for Luna Boutique... By the way check out the cool tooth ring Kiersti's boyfriend made her... maybe a future DIY idea??
Sweater from Luna Boutique.
I know this strays away from my usual fashion themed posts... but I can't get over how excited I was/am for the Breaking Dawn premiere last night! I have to say I went in to the theaters with low expectations because, let's be real, the acting is pretty bad (and I really just like to go to see Rob :D). And actually I was pleasantly surprised! The makeup looked very good, Kristen actually looked gorgeous the first part of the movie, and my favorite was how they incorporated the original Twilight soundtrack into this movie. Overall, the cheesy acting was kept to a minimum and special effects definitely made an improvement. The birthing scene was a little much in my opinion, but at least they pulled it off!
In other news, my new Rabito iPhone case is pictured and I was so excited to get it in the mail. That sweater is also new and will probably appear again in a better put-together outfit. I hope everyone enjoys their Friday!
Tia: Forever 21 sweater and shorts, Target watch, boots from Luna Boutique. Lianne: Forever 21 sweater, blouse from Angl, Hurley jeans, Forever 21 shoes, vintage watch.
If neutrals are considered colors, then they are my favorite colors this season.